Ryan Godlonton-ShawinFlutter CommunityBenefits of SOLID Principles in Flutter Development: An OverviewFlutter, Google’s open-source framework for building natively compiled applications, has become a popular choice for cross-platform…Aug 30, 20231Aug 30, 20231
Ryan Godlonton-ShawinITNEXTFlutter: Handling your network API calls like a legend using ProviderIn my previous Flutter article I delved extensively into utilising Bloc architecture and Bloc’s to handle and manage our Flutter network…May 6, 20205May 6, 20205
Ryan Godlonton-ShawinPlatform45Flutter: Handling your network API calls like a boss!If there is one technology that’s literally giving me goosebumps, it’s Flutter. One language for all platforms: desktop, web, iOS and…Mar 3, 20202Mar 3, 20202
Ryan Godlonton-ShawinITNEXTFlutter: Handling your network API calls like a boss!If there is one technology that’s literally giving me goosebumps, it’s Flutter. One language for all platforms: desktop, web, iOS and…Jan 13, 202013Jan 13, 202013
Ryan Godlonton-ShawinITNEXTKotlin: Wrapping your head around LiveData, MutableLiveData, Coroutine Networking and ViewModel…LiveData was created as a lifecycle-aware data holder with the observer pattern in mind. So basically when data changes it will…Jun 17, 20196Jun 17, 20196
Ryan Godlonton-ShawAndroid Local Database Tricks with Kotlin and Objectbox.For those of you looking for a simple way to store a large chunks of JSON data into a local database in Android, then look no further…Mar 9, 20192Mar 9, 20192